
Independent scientific studies show the SFI program is improving on-the-ground forestry practices.

Implementation with BMPs was statistically significantly higher when the timber was delivered to a Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) mill.”   -Texas Forest Service

Voluntary Implementation of Best Management Practices in East Texas (PDF-2.2 mb) September 2005

Landowners that were certified sustainable under either SFI or FSC had significantly stronger biodiversity practices than landowners not certified. ”

There was no difference between FSC and SFI in terms of overall biodiversity practice scores. ”   -Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Changing Timberland Ownership in the Northern Forest and Implications for Biodiversity (PDF-2.5 mb)
Report #MCCS-FCP-2005-1
December 2005

Independent Studies Show the Value of SFI Program Certification

Certification Assessment on Public and University Lands: A Field-Based Comparative Evaluation of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Programs (PDF-1 mb)

Matching Business Values with Forest Certification Systems, A Forest Certification Evaluation Tool For Buyers (PDF-452 kb)

Parallel Field Testing of Forest Certifcation Standards (PDF-2 mb)

U.K. Government Timber Procurement Policy, Assessment of Five Forest Certification Schemes

Praise for the SFI program from The Nature Conservancy.
Click here to read Steve McCormick’s letter (PDF-37kb).

Praise for the SFI program from The Pacific Forest Trust.
Click here to read Laurie Wayburn’s letter. (PDF-98kb).

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