What are SFI Implementation Committees (SICs)?

Thirty-seven (37) SFI Implementation Committees (SICs) are organized at the state, provincial, or regional levels. SFI program participants provide leadership and invite a wide range of supporters to contribute — private landowners, independent loggers, professional foresters, agency natural resource managers, university scientists, and conservationists. As a diverse grassroots network, SICs provide a strong foundation for the SFI program. Activities promote the SFI Standard as a means to broaden the practice of sustainable forestry and ensure on-the-ground progress. These coordinated local efforts result in consistent SFI implementation adapted to region-specific needs. For more information, please email Amy Doty or call 703.875.9500 x. 21

Which States or Provinces have SICs? (Click for a map with links)

SIC Activities and Responsibilities

SFI Implementation Committees (SICs) perform local outreach and education activities that promote sustainable forestry, the SFI program, and SFI Standard compliance. Through a consensus-based process, SFI program participants have defined SIC responsibilities as:

  • Overall SIC Mission – Effectively facilitate or manage at a state or provincial level the programs and alliances which support the growth of the SFI program
  • Core SIC Mission – Priorities for all SICs
    1. Establish criteria and identify delivery mechanisms for logger and forester training to define what it means to be “SFI trained”
    2. Establish and maintain protocols for addressing inconsistent practices
    3. Focus landowner outreach efforts on education and technical assistance
    4. Focus public outreach efforts on increasing SFI program recognition and support with local opinion leaders and forestry professionals
    5. Document progress through a SIC Annual Progress Report to SFI, Inc.
    6. Protect the integrity of the SFI program by: a) ensuring proper SIC service mark usage, b) alerting SFI, Inc. when improper communications or misleading claims are observed, and c) avoiding the appearance of participation or compliance by non-SFI program participants
  • Secondary SIC Mission – Priorities determined by each SIC, individual participants may choose not to participate or support even if the SIC pursues these objectives
    1. Provide delivery mechanisms for logger and forester training to address SFI program needs not adequately provided by other programs
    2. Sponsor active public outreach efforts that may include paid advertising
    3. Encourage large landowners and all forest products manufacturers to enroll as SFI program participants; encourage family forest owners to participate in Tree Farm or similar programs as appropriate
    4. Encourage agencies to provide timely, accurate harvest and regeneration statistics

SIC Annual Achievement Award

Each year, the SIC Annual Achievement Award recognizes one SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) for outstanding work in implementing the SFI program. The award is presented at the SFI Annual Conference to recognize the “best of the best.” Selections are made by a five-member panel representing a diverse cross-section of the SFI program.

1999: Minnesota
2000: Maine
2001: Pennsylvania
2002: Alabama
2003: Georgia
2004: Minnesota
2005: Mississippi
2006: Virginia

Virginia SIC Chair Brad Fuller (right), Wood Procurement Manager for Huber Engineered Woods, LLC accepts the Eighth Annual SIC Achievement Award from William H. Banzhaf (left), President of the Sustainable Forestry Board, Inc., at the 2006 SFI Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario.

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