Green Building

SFI logo forest images
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Products from SFI certified companies are recognized under both the Green Building Initiative’s (GBI) Green Globes and the NAHB Green building systems. In addition, you can support forest certification by preferentially purchasing products from our certified companies even if you are not seeking green building certification.

Jason Metnick
Manager, SFI Label and Licensing
703.875.9500 ex. 23

Green Building links of interest

Companies with SFI Chain of Custody (PDF-55kb)
SFI Standard
SFI Certified Participants (PDF-36kb)
NAHB Green Home Building Guidelines
GBI Green Globes System for Commercial Construction

SFI Certification links of interest

Green Buildings and SFI Certified Wood (PDF-65kb)
Manufacturers, Distributors and Printers Sustainable Forestry Initiative

(SFI) Chain of Custody Certification (PDF-214kb)
More information

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