State Government Support
Kentucky Senate Resolution 127
Kentucky House Resolution 131
February 27, 2002
A RESOLUTION recognizing the Commonwealth’s forest products industry and commending the adoption of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program.
WHEREAS, Kentucky takes great pride in its rich bounty of natural resources and the careful stewardship of those precious assets is essential if future generations are to benefit from those resources; and
WHEREAS, Kentucky’s forest products industry, in recognition of its stewardship responsibilities in nurturing the forest resource, has committed itself to the principle of sustainable forestry by initiating the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program to promote, educate, train, and monitor adherence to sustaining the forest resource for future generations; and
WHEREAS, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative is a national program based on responsible environmental stewardship of the forests, water resources, and wildlife; and
WHEREAS, an essential component of the Kentucky economy, the forest products industry comprises more than a $4.5 billion economic impact annually; and
WHEREAS, the vital importance of the industry underscores the necessity for intelligent and scientific management of the state’s more that 12.7 million acres of forest land;
Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Section 1. The state’s forest products industry is recognized and commended for its commitment to responsible use of natural resources and the adoption of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative as a means to that end.
Section 2. The Clerk of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the public and the press.KENTUCKY HOUSE RESOLUTION 131
February 27, 2002
A RESOLUTION recognizing the Commonwealth’s forest products industry and commending the adoption of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program.
WHEREAS, Kentucky takes great pride in its rich bounty of natural resources and the careful stewardship of those precious assets is essential if future generations are to benefit from those resources; and
WHEREAS, Kentucky forest products industry, in recognition of its stewardship responsibilities in nurturing the forest resource, has committed itself to the principle of sustainable forestry by initiating the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program to promote, educate, train, and monitor adherence to sustaining the forest resource for future generations; and
WHEREAS, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative is a national program based on responsible environmental stewardship of the forests, water resources, and wildlife; and
WHEREAS, an essential component of the Kentucky economy, the forest products industry comprises more than a $4.5 billion economic impact annually; and
WHEREAS, the vital importance of the industry underscores the necessity for intelligent and scientific management of the state’s more that 12.7 million acres of forest land.
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Section 1. The state’s forest products industry is recognized and commended for its commitment to responsible use of natural resources and the adoption of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative as a means to that end.
Section 2. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the public and the press.